Beshbarmag barrier
The Caucasus mountain range in the northern border of Azerbaijan was natural defensive obstacles form the foreign campaigns. On the territory of Azerbaijan the most acceptable way for invasions was the Caspian plain, which finished the mountain range. Through this narrow Caspian plain passed the most important trade way which united Azerbaijan and Middle Asia with the South-west Europe. In the northern part of Azerbaijan on the Caspian Shore territory, as the result of historical urgency there was established the complex of defensive constructions, which had military, strategical, trade and economic importance. This complex consists of defensive obstacles, town stronghold palaces and towers. The geographical boundary of Caspian Shore defensive constructions occupies the territory from Derbent city to Apsheron peninsula. In order to protect such big territory, there has been built huge constructions, extending on many kilometers, composing united defensive system. Between Behsbarmag Mountain, located in the end of the Caucasus range, in the southeast part, and the Caspian shore exists the narrowest passage (11.75 km).
This passage was built from the raw brick and finished by two parallel walls, which were at the distance of 200 meters away from each other. Taking the name from Beshbarmag Mountain, according to the writing sources, the parallel defense barrier Beshbarmag was built in the period of Shah Sasanid Yezdegird 2 (438-457). In this barrier, in the mountain, separately was built a stone stronghold, and on the caravan way, at the foot of the mountain was a caravan shed. Beshbarmag is also a place of imposing warship.
This historical monument was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in Need of Urgent Safeguarding within the Caspian Shore Defensive Constructions on October 24, 2001.
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