Ordubad Historical City
Today, Ordubad is considered a live museum of the Eastern world, a city that is preserving its history and traditions and passes them from generation to generation. Due to its architectural stricture and historical monuments, Ordubad was declared a reserve and treasure of humanity in 1977.
Ordubad, being an ancient Azerbaijan and Caucasus city is interesting with its structure and architectural monuments. The building plan of the city gives the opportunity to get acquainted with the city built culture of the eastern feudals. Ordubad was one of the most important trade cities, with caravans passing from China, Europe and India. Many fruits, agricultural products and, of course, silk were taken out from Ordubad. On the left bank of Ordubadchay, in the XV century, on the Ambras top, was founded Gala city, which was the feudal residence. In spite of fact that the Gala was the center of Ordubad, on the right bank of Ordubadchay the city began to develop due to the trade. In the XVII century on the left bank of Ordubadchay the new trade centers were formed. Taking into consideration that the development of the city passed o the right side, Gala residence lost its importance. So, in Ordubad in the XVII-XVIII centuries on the right shore the new districts and trade centers were established. The city was located at the Zangezur top of the Caucasus Mountain and was surrounded from3 sides with the mountains. The neighboring environment and relief, green leaves and fruit gardens make the city mare beautiful. In the XVII century the city was reconstructed and again there was used a structure of feudal 'city building. So the new formed trade squares in that blocks were bigger and the mosque, springs, bath-houses developed even more. One of the most ancient buildings - the mosque and its environs - can be considered the main sights of the city. The medieval market square in the center of Ordubad is a model of that period. The ancient streets, which lead to the center's glass mosque complex, were preserved as architectural constructions. Not far from the glass mosque there were caravan sheds and large market, where silk and dry fruits were taken out in European Eastern countries. At the first sight, it may seem that old streets, in the general plan, refer to a chaotic structure, but in reality they submit to a radial law.
The streets, which look like a fan near to the center, unite the block squares with the central street, which repeats the river form. Depending on the relief, each street has big or small squares, which is inherent to Ordubad. Like in all other feudal cities, in Ordubad with the help of the streets, this city was divided into districts. Ordubad divided into 5 districts: 1) Ambaras 2) Kurdtatal 3) Mingis 4) Sar sheher 5) Uch Azerbaijan Goverment declared Ordubad as a medieval city and historical and architectural reserve.
Ordubad historical and architectural reserve was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in Need of Urgent Safeguarding on October 24, 2001.
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