Garabaghlar Mausoleum
It is a historical-architectural monument of the Middle Ages in Garabaghlar village of Kangarli region. Besides the mausoleum included to the architectural complex, there is a double minaret and remainders of the religious building situated between them. It is supposed that the double minaret was built at the end of the 12th century and at the beginning of the 13th century. But the head arch joining the minarets belong to the 14th century. As the name of the Guti Khatin, the wife of Hulaku khan, the ruler of the Elkhanis, was written on the head arch, it is supposed that the monument was built in honor of Guti khatin. The scientific secretary of the “Nakhchivan Investigation and Tatabbo Society” M. Mirheydarzadeh in 1928 identified that following words were written in Arabic in the double minaret head arch inscription: “This sign of God is Guti khatin, Turkman”. The main features of the tower shape mausoleums consisting of the vault and overground part were resembled in the Garabaghlar mausoleum. The surface of the Garabaghlar mausoleum was decorated with the inscription remaining the geometric ornament covered with red and turquoise glazed bricks. The context of the inscriptions consists of the “La ilaha illallah Muhammadin Rasulallah” “There is no God, but God, Mohammad (s.a.w.) is his follower”.
The composition feature of the Garabaghlar mausoleum is its being of 4 head arches. These head arches are arranged in the North, South, West and East directions and give a 4 facade image to the mausoleum. The upper conic shape dome of the Garabaghlar mausoleum and the related inscriptions were destroyed, and therefore to determine its date exactly is impossible. But all investigations show that the mausoleum was built at the beginning of the 14th century. According to the similarity between the Garabaghlar mausoleum and the Barda mausoleum and as both of them were built at the beginning of the 14th century, it is supposed that both of the monuments belong to the same architectural school and even it is also supposed that the mausoleum was built by Ahmad Ayyub oglu Hafiz Nakhchivani, the author of the Barda mausoleum.
As a part of Nakhchivan Mausoleums, Garabaghlar mausoleum was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in Need of Urgent Safeguarding on September 30, 1998.
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